Automated Bookkeeping Online Help for Small Business Owners and Managers
Many small business owners and managers battle with their accounting and bookkeeping on a regular basis. Even for very experienced individuals, keeping track of all of the supporting documents and correctly accounting for every transaction can be difficult and at the very least time consuming.
We can fix that problem for you by providing expert bookkeeping services for your small business and giving you the peace of mind that your accounting is in order. This can give back valuable time to any small business owner or manager and let that time be focused on other business activities.
Bookkeeping Basics “for Dummies”
Bookkeeping is the task of keeping the financial and accounting information of a company up to date and organized on a regular basis so that owners and managers can act on that information. Additionally, a company’s books are the basis on which their financial statements (income statement and balance sheet) and tax return are prepared from.
Now that the importance of bookkeeping is understood, what exactly is it? Bookkeeping is ensuring that the financial transactions and balances of a company are recorded. When a bill is paid, cash has gone out and an expense has been incurred. When a client is billed for a service, the company now has a receivable due from the client and has generated revenues. On even a weekly basis a small business can have dozens of transactions occurring, each of which needs to be tracked and recorded as a financial transaction or balance. These transactions are recorded on the income statement, which show revenues and expenses, and the balance sheet, which show assets, liabilities, and equity in the business.
This time consuming process isn’t always as straightforward as it seems and that is why many small business owners and managers rely on a company to provide bookkeeping support. Our team of experienced professionals can ensure your bookkeeping is done professionally and correctly.